The 1st Surabaya International Nursing Conference 2014


A. Introduction
Competition demands in providing professional services to a patient is a central issue that develops in the globalization era. It had an impact on the increasing demands of human resources (health workers), availability of various services and alternative health services, especially in providing nursing services.
Problems of nursing profession in the Indonesian is still found the nurses do not implementing yet their professional role in giving nursing care. The fact in community, the graduation of nurses are still not recognized as a professional figure who will be able to make a strong contribution in improving the quality of nursing care and patient safety. People still doubt of their existence and looked down at them. The nurses are still similar with patient guards and help the medical profession, put themselves as a second class citizens in the health care system in Indonesia
Some efforts to solve above problems are improving the image of nurses and show their identity as a professional care providers, educators, community leaders, manager and researcher. Based on that framework is found a great formula, that are motivation and participation of nursing in the community to support this international seminar “Empowering Nursing Care”, because the main purpose of this seminar is to revive and encourage the nurses to be able to show up their thru identity as a professional nurse..
Through this International Conference nursing allows the exchange of information related to nursing care of various regions in Indonesia and in other countries. It is expected to be a stimulus that can bring a change towards the professional nursing services.
Out put of this international seminar is to inspire the spirit of nurses, always improving their capacity and instilling professional values in every aspect of life, especially in providing health services, so the community demands for a better professional nurses role can be answered.
Seminar presentation of the results of the studies up to date in the field of nursing. Participants presentation of research results is expected to be followed by researchers from research institutes and universities throughout Indonesia. Results are expected to enrich the knowledge and become an alternative intervention options in nursing services.
In this seminar will also be presented the results of studies that are up to date in the field of nursing. This event is expected followed by researchers from all research institutes and universities in Indonesia. Subsequently these research results are expected to enrich the knowledge and become an alternative intervention options in nursing services.

B. Activities
1. International Seminar
2. Oral presentation of the research faculty.results

C. Purpose and Objectives
Purpose and Objectives of seminar :
1. Discuss and review the society’s view of the nursing role
2. Strengthen and develop of nurse mindset in order to revive the spirit of professionalism.
3. Improving nursing care through critical thinking based on result research that has been conducted
4. Dissemination of research results in the field of nursing, include medical surgical nursing, emergency department, children, maternity, mental and community nursing .

D. Topics and Presenter
1. Keynote speaker
Caring as a basis for improving the quality of nursing care and patient safety
Prof. Dr. Nursalam M.Nurs (Hons)
2. Topic “Quality Assurance”
Erin Lloyd from Australia (Consultant Premiere Hospital)
3. Topic “Infection Control”
Rosdelima Simarmata, BN, SE., MARS.
4. Topic “Practice in Medical-surgical Nursing”
Prof. Elly Nurachmah (Indonesia University)
5. Topic “Practice in Medical-surgical Nursing”
Ns. Puji Astutik, M. Kep., Sp. Kep.MB. (UNUSA)

E. Participant
Nursing practitioners, lecturers and students

F. Time and Place
day, date : May 31th, 2014
place : Bumi Surabaya Hotel
Jend. Basuki Rakhmat street, number 106 – 128 Surabaya, 60271
Phone : (031) 5311234

G. Organizers and Secretariat Address
1. Organizers
2. Committee Secretariat
Health Science Faculty
Surabaya Nahdlatul Ulama University
Campus A Jl. SMEA 57 Surabaya
 (031) 8291920 Fax (031) 8298582
Contact Person
• Participants of seminar :Sinta (087854011128)
• Participants of presentation :Siti Nurjanah, M. Kep. (081515356677)
Email :

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