Author Archives: translat0ravthOr1

Unusa Students Help Reduce Plastic Trash with Ecobrick

Surabaya – Plastic waste has become a problem in every city in the world. eradicating against plastic waste continues to be carried out in Surabaya and surrounding areas. You do this with a variety of ways, for example by not using plastic bags when shopping to use plastic waste for something useful. To process the […]

Unusa OPOP Training Center and East Java Dinkop Invite SOEs to Synergize

Surabaya – The East Java Office of Cooperatives and SMEs and the Unusa OPOP Training Center held a coordination meeting with several SOEs. The goal is to find a capital solution for students who will start doing business through the OPOP program (one pesantren one product). “Thank God, we have held a coordination meeting with […]

Kidney Transplantation, Unusa Medical Student Success in Mentai Mentayo Business

SURABAYA – Kidney failure does not make Dandy Rizaldi Putra, Medical student at the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa), a generation of 2016 hopeless. He actually utilizes free time when on college leave to pioneer the culinary business. Now, Mentai Mentayo, a typical Japanese rice  made by Dandy is already crowded with buyers. “Initially […]

Chicken Geprek Bachelor of Unusa Full of Innovation

surabaya-To fulfill the assignment of entrepreneurship courses, three students of the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa) started a geprek chicken culinary business named Ayam Geprek Sarjana (AGS). The advantages of AGS are the boneless chicken and the level of spicy chili sauce can also be selected according to taste. They are Reza Rizky Pratama, […]

25 Dosen UNUSA Terima Sertifikat HAKI [EN]

Surabaya – Sebanyak 25 Dosen Universitas NU Surabaya (UNUSA) menerima sertifikat Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) dari Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia. Ini merupakan prestasi yang luar biasa yang dicapai UNUSA dalam setahun terakhir. Ke-25 dosen yang menerima sertifikat HAKI ini karena mereka menciptakan produk-produk buatannya sendiri. Produk-produk antara lain alikasi software, […]