Supporting the COVID-19 Resilience, FK UNUSA Community Service Held the Program Simultaneously in Five Islamic Boarding Schools

Surabaya – Community Service from Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Pengmasta FK UNUSA) initiated the program COVID-19 Resilience “Tangguh Pesantren” in five Islamic boarding schools in East Java. Those are Zainul Khasan Islamic Boarding School (Genggong, Probolinggo), Al Hikam Islamic Boarding School (Burneh, Bangkalan), Sunan Drajat Islamic Boarding School (Paciran, Lamongan), Wachid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School (Bangil, Pasuruan), and Ammanatul Islamic Boarding School Ummah (Surabaya & Pacet, Mojokerto).

Head of Research and Community Service Unit (UPPM) FK Unusa, dr. Hafid Algristian, Sp.KJ., M.H., explained the background of this event was carried out for supporting the vigilance to face the COVID-19 pandemic in several Islamic boarding schools.

“We realize the pandemic does not just end, well, new cases reach 4-5 thousand every day. On the other hand, pesantren and (perhaps) other educational institutions, there are some parts of learning that cannot be done online. That is why this program should be,” said dr Hafid, who was born in Gresik, 1986 to us on Sunday (15/11).

FK UNUSA community service (pengmasta) activity aims to facilitate the acknowledgement and discussion, so the islamic boarding school (pesantren) can learn from each other and exchange their potential. “One of the things we add (the special one) is knowledge about ‘after pandemic effect’, including how to stay healthy and happy in this seemingly endless pandemic,” said dr Hafid with his smile.

Actually, Islamic boarding schools are the safest and most vulnerable places. “There are several Islamic boarding schools that have not sent their students home until now such as Wachid Hasyim Islamic Boarding School, Bangil. It’s really safe, huh, a kind of isolation as well if  I see, “explained dr Hafid, the doctor who studies psychiatric specialties.

There were also those who at the beginning of the pandemic decided to send their students home with strict protocols. “For example, Ponpes Sunan Drajad. They require their students to have a rapid test and independent isolation 2 weeks before returning to their home. In fact, the total number of buses driven to take the students to their hometowns reached 250. This is our commitment to reduce the covid-19 transmission.”

Rigorous screening is also carried out for pesantren administrators without exception, as well has been done by the Ammanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School. They even pay for routine rapid tests for the board. “The boarding school health team really pay attention to the health protocol for administrators, because they have high mobility for sure. This is a firm and indiscriminate policy,” dr Hafid appreciated and salute.

Regular visits were also restricted. Families are not allowed to meet santri (students), they only can leave the food or clothing for them at special gates (it had become COVID-19 screening posts). “Ponpes Zainul Khasan has provided a special account so parents can send pocket money to their children too,” dr Hafid added his explanation.

The very strict health protocol for the boarding school has triggered the arrogancy from the parents who did not agree. “What is corona, it is hoax,” said dr Hafid imitating them. But the great thing is the board of pesantren, for example Al-Hikam Bangkalan, Madura, is very, very strict in dealing with this kind of parents. “They understand the parents is just equally tired, also there is a lot of misinformation. That’s why the boarding school always provides time to educate them.”

Some activities of the community service UNUSA were webinars for Husada Santri Cadres, distribution of herbal plant seeds, focused group discussions with Ponpes administrators, and creating educational videos, including guides to making masks and hands-on hand sanitizers. “But sorry to say, it is not for sale, haha,” said dr Hafid goofing around. All of today’s agenda will be combined in one book about maintaining health during the covid-19 pandemic. “Later, we will socialize the book to related institutions and agencies, as input to develop initiatives for the resilience educational institutions during this pandemic,” closed dr Hafid as well. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing)

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