Chicken Geprek Bachelor of Unusa Full of Innovation

surabaya-To fulfill the assignment of entrepreneurship courses, three students of the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa) started a geprek chicken culinary business named Ayam Geprek Sarjana (AGS). The advantages of AGS are the boneless chicken and the level of spicy chili sauce can also be selected according to taste.

They are Reza Rizky Pratama, Iqbal Maulana W, and Ahmad Ryandi Prasetyo. The three students of Management S1 are in 3rd semester.

“We started selling AGS in November 2019. Initially just fulfilling the course assignments, but apparently many students like our geprek chickens,” said Reza Rizky Pratama.

According to Reza, in order for AGS to be different from the geprek chickens which are now being sold, they must rack their brains in order to steal the market’s attention. Then found two breakthroughs that have not been used by other sellers.

First, AGS sells boneless chicken meat. Before being processed with a special recipe for the third blend, the meat is separated from the bones. After that, then cooked with flour. In order to measure each serving the same, meat is weighed for each serving.

“We want to make it easier for consumers when consuming AGS. They can eat it without having to get their hands dirty because they have to separate bones from meat. Certainly very useful for those who are in the office or campus, “said Iqbal.

Then the second innovation is about spicy spicy level. As the name ayam geprek sarjana, AGS has seven levels of spiciness that are coded for the level of education, from PAUD to undergraduate. There are 7 levels of spiciness, where each level is increasingly spicy with a multiple of three chilies.if PAUD uses 1 chili, kindergarden uses 3 chilies, elementary school uses 6 chilies, junior high school uses 9 chilies, until undergraduate uses 18 chilies and above. The undergraduate level with 20 chilies sauce is a favorite menu. Even many people request to be made Professor level, meaning that the level of spiciness is above the undergraduate level. Alhamdulillah, the processed geprek chicken meat and chili sauce are liked by friends. Their reasoning is that Geprek sarjana can be a very appropriate choice of menu, in addition to being delicious it is also affordable, “Ryan added.

Obstacle of Dividing Time

Reza and his friends sell AGS 10,000 one serving. In addition to marketing through exhibitions, they also sell them through orders. Considering they still have to go to college, they only sell 3 days a week.

Every day the sale can reach 15 servings to 17 servings, or about 45 servings a week. It means that about 180 servings a month. Even when attending the exhibition, sale can reach 24 servings a day.

“Every week when we share the results, each of us can receive Rp. 80.000. Alhamdulillah, a good start. This means that profits reach 30 percent, “said Reza.

The main obstacle of the three is dividing time because they are still busy attending lecture activities. Though request of customer continues to come. Many Unusa students or lecturers even suggested that they sell every day.

“Our obstacle is time. Can not divide time between lectures, cooking geprek and selling. We already thought of making an outlet, but we still get confused about the time, “said Ryan

But they must think to get solution about the time. sooner, they plan to open an outlet in BG Junction which is close to Reza’s house.

to prepare for the opening, they also continue to innovate with AGS. One of them is making chili choices. In addition to the onion chilli, they will try alternative chilli sauce or mango sauce.

“Just keep innovating. As a novice businessman, we are taught in college to innovate. So we do business as a form of realization of the knowledge we have gained from Unusa, “concluded Reza. (cellphone / Public Relations Unusa)

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