Unusa Facilitates the Persemki of East Java to Equate with the Laboratory Practice SOP

Surabaya – The importance of equating the perception of one another to Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of practicing in a laboratory move a desire of several participants who are members of the Vocational High School Health Association of East Java, Indonesia (Persemki), Nurses of Islamic Hospital (RSI) Jemursari Surabaya, Lecturer of  Nursing and Health Analyst of UNUSA, Pharmacists of Islamic Hospital of Surabaya attended the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) at Unusa Tower, Campus B, Jemursari, Surabaya, Tuesday (01/07).

Chairman of DPD Persemki East Java, Drs. Fatchul Djinan revealed that SOP is not only a rule, but the existence of SOP will be very helpful in the process of developing the laboratory. Even SOPs also affect laboratory progress. Because, if SOP is not implemented properly, the impact will also be on HR performance. In the end, the quality is also not good.

“The purpose of this regulation is to explain in detail how all existing human Resources act according to their standards and job desc. So it will appear a regular and effective workflow. Why does East Java offer Nahdlatul Ulama  University of Surabaya (Unusa)? because Unusa is competent in the health sector, and all its graduates will be linked to health. Including the Information Systems study program, “he said.

In addition, Djinan added, the existence of this SOP equation hopes to admit that graduates of the Health Vocational School are as assistants of health workers.

“Through the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 80 the year 2016 about the Implementation of Work of Assistance for Health Workers, the Health Vocational School graduate is regulated in detail what he can do in health services,” he said.

Assistant of health worker is a person who devote himself in the sector of health and has knowledge and/or skill through education of sector of health under Diploma level. And, every assistant of health worker who has graduated from education must take the competency test. Then, a Healthcare assistant is does not need to register and arrange for a permit as required by health workers.

“After the publication of the Law of INDONESIA number 36 year 2014 about health workers and regulation of the Ministry of Health INDONESIA number 80 year 2016 about the implementation of occupational of Assistant of health worker. There is no reason health care institutions refuse vocational health students to practice in health services, as well as about recruitment of workers, which is usually Assistant of health worker is referred to as POS (Assistantth of e sick person) should be transferred to Assistant Health Workers who are vocational health graduates, “he concluded. (Unusa PR)

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