To Succeed the 34th NU Conference, Unusa Holds Coin Week

Surabaya – In order to succeed the 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Congress, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa) instruct all students, lecturers and staff to participate in the success of the congress through coin weeks.

Coin Week is a voluntary movement of all Unusa academic community.

A chief of Unusa Cares, Mohammad Ghofirin, M.Pd., revealed the coin week for this conference was a form of participation of all Unusa residents to participate in the success of activities that will be held on 22 to 27 October 2020 in Lampung.

“At the conference this time, PBNU purely used the funds generated by self-help from residents of Nahdliyin, which were carried out through a fundraising movement.” he said when he was met in his office on the 8th floor of Unusa Tower, Campus B, Jemursari Surabaya, Monday (1/13) .

The fundraising will not stop at the moment of this Conference’s activities. Going forward, Ghofirin is committed to continuing the Coin Week Movement.

“Thus, more funds will be collected up to the Conference schedule. Even after the conference, it did not rule out, the coin week will continue to take place for social, humanity, and other NU activities, “said the man who is also a lecturer at the Unusa S1 Accounting Study Program.

Director of Unusa Resources, Dra. Arofah, M.M. really appreciate the activities of the Coin Week Movement. She considered the movement is a form of joint commitment to the success of the 34th NU Conference.

“Furthermore, this activity is to show the independence of NU. Not only stopped in this activity, but the coin week will also continue eventhough the conference activity is over, “she said. (Unusa PR)

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