Introducing Japanese-Style Batik Techniques, Unusa Hold a Shibori Batik Making Workshop

Surabaya – at this time, an Art and Culture Lecturer of the Teacher training  and Education Faculty introduce the Shibori technique. Shibori is an art in Japan in terms of fabric coloring. The coloring technique is done by dipping the fabric in natural dyes and providing ‘protection’ on certain parts of the fabric that do not want to be dyed. This technique protects certain parts by wrapping, folding, or binding with threads.

The Sibori Batik technique from Japan is very popular now. This batik began to be liked by people in Indonesia, because it is more simple in the process. In contrast to batik in Indonesia, which goes through various stages, from drawing on the material, slamming with the night, giving coloring gradually, to washing.

Meanwhile for this Sibori batik, it is enough to fold a small square or triangular fabric and then dip it into the desired colors or by pouring the dye onto the fabric and squeezing it.

“Anyone can do it. There is no need to use slamming techniques and so on. Simple and easy, “said Andri Setiawan, lecturer of arts and culture at the Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa) on the sidelines of the FKIP Unusa Art Show at the Atrium Royal Plaza, Monday (1/20/2020).

Sibori Batik is taught to odd semester students for three study programs. Those are early childhood  teacher education, , Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) and English Teacher Education. This is a fine art course that must be followed and taken by students.

“We hope they can develop this course for entrepreneurship, they can also teach their students when they become teachers later, either in early childhod education or in elementary school. All of this will be useful, “said Andri.

As for the tools and materials that can be used in making Shibori batik namely White Batik Fabric or commonly called Primisima, Remasol batik dye, Rubber bands, Raffia Ropes, Aqua Bottles with perforated lids, Glass Aqua Bottles, Marbles or Small Stones, Water, Bags Crackle and Waterglass.

“Furthermore, making batik with the Shibori technique is quite simple. Because the maker can take advantage of a variety of items those are around. The technique of binding the dyes depends on the maker, what kind of pattern they want to form. So, they can make their motives at will, “he added.

Batik Sibori is quite popular with students. Salama Ahmad, one of them. This 5th semester student of Primary School Teacher Education feels lucky to be taught this Batik Sibori. Because he can develop it to be a part-time business. “He wants to make a veil from this batik. Unique, funny and colorful, “he explained.

not only they make batik, but also FKIP Unusa requires other art courses for its students. There are dance, painting, singing and so on. All art courses are implemented in an art stage that can be watched by the wider community. “This is the implementation of lectures for one semester, we show it together openly,” he concluded.

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