Lecturer of Unusa Gives Tips on Managing Finance with a Minimalist Style

LIFESTYLE minimalism is becoming a trend in various parts of the world lately. However, the fact is minimalism cannot only be seen as a lifestyle.

Minimalism can also be seen as a step to manage healthier finances. Minimalist lifestyle has become a trend in Japanese society for the first time.

This style teaches us to be able to live with a few items in minimal quantities. Some of the pioneers of minimalism who have become role models such as Marie Kondo and Fumio Sasaki.

Moreover, there are documentaries about Minimalism that specifically record the experiences of adherents of the lifestyle of minimalism.

Indonesia is also one of the countries affected by this minimalism trend. One of the celebrities of the country who adopts a lifestyle of minimalism is Raditya Dika ( Youtuber).

In one of his videos, Radit shared his experience when he began applying minimalism.

Radit said that he only has one watch now. He sell all his watch collections and buy a watch that he is really liked.

This method was effective for making healthier financial condition.

Then how can the lifestyle of minimalism have an impact on our financial management? Here are tips on managing finances in a minimalist style.

First, we must believe in minimalists that we only need to have and save items that we really like.

Marie Kondo called it an item that can make us happy. As for items that do not cause happiness, we can start to throw them away.

Of course, indirectly this can make us frugality. We only need to buy things that we really like and make us feeling happiness.

Moreover, we will be able to get income from items we don’t like by selling it. Of course, this only applies to the items that can still be used.

Second, minimalism also gives us an alternative to the use of items. We are taught to rent rather than buy.

For example, clothes for a party we can just rent it. we do not need to buy it, especially the price is very expensive.

Besides, we only use these clothes very rarely. This method, indirectly makes our expenses become orderly.

Third, think about the usage period of the item! try to imagine if we are offered two choices.

Handphone A is priced Rp 1.2 million but the usage period is only 6 month and Handphone B is priced Rp 2.5 million but the usage period is almost 3 years.

Which one would you prefer? Of course, you choose items that have a longer usage period. Because we can save more.

Fourth, we do not need to burden ourselves to be consumptive just to be more stylish.

This lifestyle of minimalism seems to make us realize that lifestyle does not need to be consumptive. Because happiness can be achieved with a simple lifestyle.

This minimalist lifestyle sounds very radical. Because we know, holding our passion to be consumptive is difficult.

Moreover, the current era of various items always look interesting. This minimalist lifestyle is indeed about habits. We just need to get used to it.

lifestyle of Minimalism will slowly make our financial condition to be healthier. Because, indirectly our consumption patterns will change. We don’t need to buy the items we want.

Imagine, if every month we always take the time to buy something that actually we don’t need to buy, we will be wasteful.

While the compilation can refrain from buying items that are really needed only once a year, of course our financial needs will be healthier. Good luck. * (Author: Ninnasi Muttaqiin, S.M.B., M.SM., CFP., ANZIIF (Assoc.) CIP. – Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business of UNUSA).

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