The importance of blood donors, lecturers of UNUSA, did counseling on behalf of the judiciary of young blood donors, at the Madrasah Aliyah Nahdaltul Ulama Sidoarjo.

Youth is the future of the Indonesian nation, every young man in Indonesia including students have an important role in national development.In preparing the rising generation to play an active role in development, direction is needed to realize about the role of youth as a nation’s successor. Blood donors are social events where the volunteers donated blood willingly for the purpose of blood transfusions for others who need. It does not only give social benefit, but blood donors have much health benefits including lowering the risk of heart disease, lowering the risk of cancer, regular blood cell renewal, to get a free checkup.Reduce cancer risk, regular blood cell renewal, to get checking a free medical.The realization of the benefits of blood donors early on, expected to increase voluntary blood donors (DDS) so as to help increase the availability of national blood, because the amount of DDS is only 2-3%, while ideally minimum of DDS represents 4% of the population of an area.

Seeing the importance of blood donors, lecturers of the department D4 health analyst faculty health (fkes) University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA)  conducted public service in the Madrassa Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama of Sidoarjo (MANUSDA), around 68 students of eleventh grade participated in these activities. Not only blood donors and blood type checks, the student of (MANUSDA) eleventh grade has attended the blood-related counseling at a young age.Head of the community service team, Thomas sumarsono, S.Si. , M.Si. He said that a person who would administer a blood donor should know the type of blood before donating.Blood type is a superficial, erythrocytic antigen composed of sugar and protein that can cause transfusion resolution, because of that,it is necessary to have a blood type examination, “he said in his workshop Monday (26/3). The head of health analyst study program added, According to the Tri dharma college, learning, research and community service, it is our duty to educate people about the importance of blood donors and to conduct blood type inspection as a commitment to the welfare of Indonesia.”It is hoped that maximally managed and organized social activities can package educational missions, As well as a means to improving health and Long – term welfare which are Self-reliant and directional, especially for learning” he added.One member of the community service team, gilang nugraha, S.Si. , M.Si. said that our active role as lecturers and students are certainly not independent of the support by the University of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya as our college, and the support by Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul ulama Sidoarjo who is an honor and a great hope for us to achieve Indonesia’s health and intelligence through this activity. The existence of UNUSA it can give blessings and benefits for all of us. Community service activities involve 4 lecturers and 3 students of department of D4 health analyst faculty health and medicine university of Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya, “he said. Gilang added,Blood – testing activity at Madrasah Aliyah Nahdaltul Ulama Sidoarjo was followed by students of tenth grade and eleventh grade. The result of testing blood type revealed a percentage students with blood type a are 8.82%, b is 29.41%, ab is 19.12% and o is 42.65%.

For an intelligent and healthy student, it was needed to follow up the results of this blood testing, there are advocates of a healthy pattern of life for a student at sidoarjo, “he said

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