New Beginning in 2021, Two Journals from UNUSA Achieve Higher Rating in SINTA

Surabaya – Based on the Decree of the Minister of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Technology No. 200 / M / KPT / 2020, UNUSA received higher rating in SINTA. Head of Division 4 Research and Community Service (LPPM), Mrs Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah, S, Pd., M.Pd. explained the journals that received higher ranking in SINTA are Education and Human Development Journal (EHDJ), and Business and Finance Journal (BFJ). EHDJ is focus on education journals, has moved up from SINTA 5 to SINTA 3, while BFJ is focus on Business Economic journals has moved up from SINTA 5 to SINTA 4.

Furthermore, Mrs Fifi revealed there were other two journals accredited by SINTA recently, Indonesian Journal of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology (IJMLST) and Applied Technology and Computing Science Journal (ATCSJ). IJMLST is focus on laboratory and health area, had a rank for SINTA 3, meanwhile ATCSJ which focus on information systems received SINTA 4.

“Whatever the result, we are very grateful. With this achievement, finally UNUSA has 9 journals that are accredited in SINTA. Of course we will create better improvements in the future,” Said Mrs Fifi on Friday (29/1).

Those nine accredited journals were the result of all efforts and hard work from the entire UNUSA community, particularly the editorial team. “Hopefully, all of our effort will bring good impacts for academics and become a great charity for the authors, editors and reviewers,” uttered Mrs Fifi.

Another perspective from the Editor in chief of IJMLST, Mrs Maharani Pertiwi K. S.Si., M. Biotech. Ph.D., she explained that publication is a great communication for academics, practitioners, scientists and people from various fields and parts of the world. “We can say that the accredited journals can be a decent forum for publication, more over, it also giving many advantages for researchers and institutions who host the journals.” Mrs Maharani closed the conversation with her own good explanation. (sar UNUSA public relations and Marketing)

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