OPOP Training Center UNUSA Collaborated with Bank Indonesia for Professional Certification and Training

Surabaya – OPOP Training Center of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) collaborated with Bank Indonesia Representative Office of East Java Province to conduct an MoU for professional certification and training for santri, alumni and pesantren in East Java Province on Thursday (3/12).

Secretary of OPOP East Java, Moh. Ghofirin explained the background of this program was to map out the training and certification that needed by businessman in Islamic boarding schools environment.

“Pesantren, Santri, and their alumni must be empowered economically. Who does not want to be better in the future? That is why we facilitate them for increasing their competency,” said Mr Ghofirin.

Through this collaboration, OPOP Training Center UNUSA will encourage Islamic boarding schools to improve their human resource competencies, including Sharia Supervisory Board certification, which is currently being required by Islamic boarding schools cooperatives.

Mr Ghofirin uttered about the currently business entities in Islamic boarding schools such as Pondok Pesantren Cooperative, were be an excellent choice as business activities based on Sharia principles.

More over, Mr Ghofirin will support Islamic boarding schools in curating products for being superior quality. “Islamic boarding school products must be accepted by the local, national and international markets, which are the targets of this OPOP program,” explained the man who is also the Director of OPOP Training Center UNUSA.

In this event, UNUSA also received a package for educational facilities and infrastructure from Bank Indonesia. The package that UNUSA has been received were a laptop, LCD projector and the screen, data packages and modems (router and its simcard).

“That’s a relief, this gift is very helpful in the midst of pandemic, as we know that most of our activities are online,” said Director of IT Unusa, Mr Drajad Uji Cahyono, S.Kom. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing)

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