UNUSA Community Service Educate Boutique and Salon Owners about Health Protocols

Surabaya – The Community Service Team from Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) educated boutique and salon owners and their customers to implement health protocols during Covid-19 pandemic nowadays.

As the follow up of this activity, Mrs Ninnasi Muttaqiin, S.M.B., M.SM and Mr Firly Irhamni, S.IP, MM taking the responsibilities to providing a counseling for boutique and salon owners in Genteng area of Surabaya. One of the representative, Mrs Ninnasi Muttaqiin, S.M.B., M.SM explained if this counseling activity was lead to prevent transmission of corona virus at boutique and salon.

“We educate the boutique and salon owners to anticipate the spread of the corona virus in Genteng area, particulary through boutique and salon, we wish that by implementing the health protocols, it can reduce corona virus transmissions,” said Mrs Ninnasi on Monday (30/11).

Mrs Ninnasi uttered if corona virus transmission spread over boutique and salon, it will giving a negative impact on the boutique and salon itself, particularly in economic factor.

“Locked down or temporarily closed for 2 weeks is a must to stop covid-19 transmission, so we must pay attention to health protocols as a prevention,” she explained.

This counseling education contains information about how to implement health protocols such as checking body temperature for boutique and salon customers, as well as limiting people which want to enter the boutique and salon, it can be applied to other places too, actually.

“More over, we should have to maintain the physical distances all times, use disinfectants to sterilize tools and products, use masks and face shields, also provide hands washing facilities,” said Mrs Ninnasi as she closed the conversation. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing)

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