S1 Nursing Study Program and Nurse Professional Education in UNUSA Accredited as A

Surabaya – S1 Nursing Study Program and Nurse Professional Education from Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery (FKK) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) obtained A when they held an accreditation.

This satisfying news was amplified after a decree issued by the management of the association teams for independent accreditation institutions in higher education of health (Perkumpulan LAM-PTKes) Indonesia. This decision is stipulated under the numbers 0308 / LAM-PTKes / Akr / Sar / XI / 2020 and the numbers 0308 / LAM-PTKes / Akr / Pro / XI / 2020.

The Chairman of Internal Quality Assurance Unit (SPMI) UNUSA, Mrs Wesiana Heris Santy M.Kep confirmed this news as well. She wishes this result will be a trigger for Unusa’s enthusiasm (in a good way!) to improve the achievement of other study programs.

“With these results, UNUSA already has three study programs that have received A accreditation, starting with D3 Nursing Study Program, S1 Nursing Study Program and Nurse Professional Education,” said Mrs Wesi on Monday (23/11).

From this achievement, Mrs Wesi already plan several to-do-list for creating other study program and faculty being better and achieve an A accreditation. Furthermore, she also added how the three study programs achieve that already.

Mrs Wesi also told the accreditation process towards her perspective, everything was held and done via online. “Well, eventhough it is the first time we do online accreditation, but we have done our best. Surprisingly, the results is also good enough. We will continue to improve it in the next accreditation for sure.”

Mrs Wesi explained in the next future, several study programs will also undergo an online accreditation process.

“Yes, there will be accreditation for D3 Midwifery and S1 Medical Education study program that will be held online, wish we will achieve for the best,” she said as the conversation ended. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing)

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