Succesful in Influence Local Community in Processing and Managing Waste into Compost, FK UNUSA serves a Good Spotlight

Surabaya – Faculty of Medicine (FK), Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) held an event: Back to Village with the theme of socializing how to process waste and creating decomposter boxes to local community in Desa Tunggul, Paciran, Lamongan.

The executive vice chairman, Mr Hd Singgih, explained this event was held by consideration to provide awareness on managing the unused waste. Actually, as we know that the unused waste will be pointed to the landfills (TPA), then FK UNUSA has initiate the program to reduce that in a clear way.

“We give it a try to local community in Desa Tunggul as one of the villages that have been guided by FK students in the midst of current pandemic,” he explained on Monday (16/11).

In this event, FK UNUSA students gave several composter bins to the local community. “We also provide three bins to separate plastic and organic waste which can indeed be processed into compos fertilizer.”

Mr Singgih also uttered this event was conducted online, although the first, FK UNUSA wanted to do this offline by coming to Desa Tunggul. “Since the covid-19 pandemic still spreading over world, so FK UNUSA students were unable to accompany directly. Then, we continue to assist online by forming the local people to process the waste and educated them to teach others.”

Previously, the local people in Desa Tunggul still processed their waste by burning it, burying it and even throwing it into the sea. This phenomena triggered FK UNUSA in campaigning for healthy and waste management in a better way.

“Well, that’s the goal of this program, to maintain the health of local community, particularly for clean and healthy environment,” Mr Singgih closed his conversation as well. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing).

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