AMI Award 2019-2020 For Better UNUSA

Surabaya – The Internal Quality Assurance Unit (SPMI) of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) held an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) Award 2019-2020, on Tuesday (10/11) at Auditorium of Campus B UNUSA.

In this event, Rector of UNUSA, Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Jazidie, M.Eng, explained that audit for internal quality is required for the university progress. It is related with the process of university for being better in the future. “To follow up this event anually, we will continue to develop facilities and other things to support the best quality of this university for the next goals,” said Prof. Jazidie, on Tuesday (10/11).

Meanwhile, the Head of Internal Quality Assurance Unit (SPMI) UNUSA, Mrs Wesiana Heris Santy, M.Kep explained that this event (AMI Award) is a presentation of the audit results conducted by SPMI UNUSA to all units, particularly in study programs and faculties. “So this is an appreciation to all units that have tried their best to achieve better results annually. With this event, we will know what their achievements and how to improve that in a better way,” Mrs Wesi explained clearly.

Mrs Wesi added her explanation that AMI Award event can also be a portrait of achievement for the year that had been done by all units, including study programs and faculties. “So this result can be a trigger motivation for all fields, units, study programs and faculties to improve and keep their internal quality being better in the future. According this event will be hold annually, then it will create all units in UNUSA for prepare everything and do their best,” she closed her conversation and think positively (sar UNUSA public relations and marketing).

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