K-Pop, a Brand New Innovation for Easier Medical Examinations

Surabaya – Four students from Nursing Study Program (Prodi) of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) created K-Pop which is a special scarf for carrying a stethoscope.

The four students were Firnanda Erindia, Mas Syahdan Filsafan, Nisa Wahyu Dika Mila Sari, and Ifah Nurdiana, they were from Nursing Study Program and somehow passed  Entrepreneurship Student Creativity (PKM-K). The background of this creativity is begin from the one of their representative personal experience, Firnanda Erindia.

Firnanda explained the advantage of having K-pop, they use comfortable materials as their quality product. “This veil or you can call it scarf too, has two holes where the eartips and pockets are for placing the diaphragm,” Nada said on Wednesday (21/10).

Nanda explained that K-pop is very helpful for nurses and doctors who will examine their patients, particularly for women who were wearing hijab for their daily life. “Because we create this product with a good quality and also adjust with the nurses and doctors amenities. They can hear clearly when examining a patient, and it can be used for the daily activities, because the earholes are invisible, and the pocket for the diaphgram is also flexible too.” she explained.

Nanda shared that she have an idea of ​​creating K-pop begin from the thought when she was an intern at the hospital, then, she had difficulty with the stethoscope, because she also wearing her hijab. “So I wish that it will be easier for people who have the same experience with me in the past to examine their patients better for now,” she closed her conversation. (sar UNUSA public relations and marketing).

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