Birth Chair Low Pain, New Innovation for Having a Child-Birth

Surabaya – Three students from D3 Midwifery Study Program of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) successfully passed the Karsa Cipta Student Creativity (PKM-KC). They created a low pain birth chair for mothers who want to give birth. They are Rizha Nurdianti, Amalia Ramadhany, and Yovana Enanda. Making low pain birth chairs because to reduce pain in mothers who are about to enter labor and waiting for the opening to complete in an effective and cheap way.

“Actually, we create a low pain birth chair to decrease the pain for women who are about to give a birth. We wish that our creation will make them easy because it is effective and have a cheap price,” explained one of the representative the Karsa Cipta Student Creativity (PKM-KC) teams, Rizha Nurdianti, on Friday (16/10).

Rizha explained the idea of ​​this chair is a combination of a massage and child-birth chair which is equipped with massaging at certain point, so it can provided any relaxation to the women who are about to give birth. It is also equipped with a PC and headset, the functions were for hypnotherapy to reduce their fear and stress.

“In addition, this chair is designed to be able to lie straight, half-sit in 45 degrees or sit in 90 degrees according to make it more comfortable. So it can be more effective because it can reduce the pain and giving relaxation therapy for them,” said Rizha closes her conversation. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing).

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