Preventing Pancaroba, IKM Lecturer Reminds to Maintain Our Immunity

Surabaya – According to this pandemic, there’s a lot of adverse effects happen, uncertainty weather condition for example. Then, it takes us to another high level that affect our imunity and we will will get sick easily.

Lecturer of Public Health Science (IKM) in Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA), Dwi Handayani, S.KM., M.Epid, uttered that out immunity will adjusted and worked harder. In this case, we know that several diseases would threatened us.

“Particularly, in this pandemic, our current condition will be susceptible to many illness, such as diarrhea, respiratory tract infections, typhus or dengue fever,” said Dwi on Friday (9/10).

Dwi provided many suggestions for local community to keep their immunity. First, we should eat any healthy and nutritional food, it should be balanced (the carbohydrates, fats, vitamin, minerals and protein). “If you feel you were immunity down enough, you can take any vitamin C and or supplement,” uttered Dwi.

Second, we should drink enough water because during the weather transition period, you can caught dehydration. Then get some rest and exercise regularly. “Always think positively by manage your stress so your immune system will be well maintained,” explained Dwi.

Keep yourselves and your environment clean, moreover, we were facing the weather transition and Covid-19 pandemic. It will be hard for our immunity to preventing us from several illness. In addition, avoid consuming unhygienic snacks. “Better, you can prepare your own food from home,”she said.

“If we are healthy, it means that our immunity system doing well,” she closed her conversation. (sar UNUSA Public Relations and Marketing).

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