EDSA UNUSA Lecture English to the Local Community in Desa Banaresep Timur

Surabaya – English Department Student Association (EDSA) Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) implemented their program, Village Development and Empowerment Holistic Program (PHP2D) by teaching English to elementary school students in Desa Banaresep Timur, Lenteng, Sumenep, Madura.

One of the EDSA members representative, Muthia, examined the background of their programs and why they consider to choose Desa Banaserep Timur as their object. Because, the elementary school children in Desa Banaresep Timur did not get English lesson properly. As we know that, English lesson is included in curriculum nowadays. “However, English lesson here have been replaced with local lesson such as Javanese language lesson and so on,” she explained on Monday (5/10).

Muthia explained more further about the goal of this event, she said that it could be one step closer for local people in Desa Banaresep Timur to get a job more easily. “Currently, English has become a global language that will help people to get a job in this globalization era,” she said.

Muthia uttered that students from EDSA UNUSA had already created a study group which the group was being handled to be able to receive lessons earlier. “So they can help the participants and or their friends to teach English better,” she said.

According with this program along, Muthia added the information that her teams will still guide the elementary students online through the zoom application. “So this is more effective for teaching beyond this pandemic,” she said.

Not only teaching English, but UNUSA students also introduce the elementary students in learning technology. “In this digital era, students should be able to use technology for competing in the future,” she explained.

From this event, Muthia wishes that the local community, especially elementary school students and more, can understand in learning English. “So it can increase their knowledges, skills and insight into technology-based in English, particularly in Desa Banaresep Timur,” he said. (sar UNUSA public relations and marketing).

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