Surabaya – The Health Faculty of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) held the second series webinar with Healthy Diet theme during the adaptation period for new habits based on the principles of Prophet Muhammad on Wednesday (9/9) which was held through the Zoom application and Youtube Channel of Universitas NU Surabaya.
In this webinar, there were two speakers, Mrs Endah Budi Permana Putri, S.IP., M.PH (she is a lecturer in Nutrition Study Program at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya) and Mrs Mustika Arum H. S.Gz. RD (she is a dietician of Hermina Tangkuban Perahu Hospital at Malang and Nutripreneur). Meanwhile, the moderator of this webinar, Mrs Rizki Nurmalya Kardina S.Gz., M.Kes is the Head of Nutrition Study Program Chair in Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmad Jazidie, M.Eng as Rector of UNUSA welcomed this event proudly, as he said this webinar would enlarge many knowledges about nutrition and healthy diet. “This webinar help us gain more about nutrition and healthy diet that can be applied during this pandemic nowadays,” he explained on Wednesday (9/9).
In her presentation, Mrs Endah Budi Permana Putri, S.IP., M.PH said that the word ‘nutrition’ is taken from the Arabic language, ‘Ghidza’ which means food. Rasulullah or commonly known as Prophet Muhammad, taught us to eat any good food, in this case, halal and thoyyib.
“Halal food means food that is allow to be eaten and drunk according to the Islamic provisions law, while thoyyib food means food and drink that can provide benefits to human body,” uttered Mrs Endah.
Mrs Endah also defines about how Prophet Muhammad had applied clean and healthy lifestyle, such as washing hands before eating, in order to avoid bacteria that get stuck from our hands. “So it will be cleaner and healthier when we eat the food.”