UNUSA Community Empowerment Hold Business Training for Housewives

Surabaya – 46th group of UNUSA Community Empowermentconducted training in business opportunities at Kelurahan Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo, Surabaya.

The leader of 46th group UNUSA Community Empowerment, Moh Riswanto, explained during this Covid-19 pandemic, economic sector is one of those were affected by. In order to recover the economic sector, the 46th group UNUSA Community Empowerment hold the business opportunity training, particularly for PKK, a housewives organization in Mulyorejo area.

“With the role of a housewives organization as the second-lead to raise for family economy situation, we assure that this activity will be giving a good impact. They must be have the skills to develop household businesses and i’m really sure about that,” said Riswanto, on Saturday (5/9).

Riswanto also explained that the role of mothers is very important to support the household economy. “Because women are the second-lead role in a household so, if we can utilize them with any skill to raise up their income, why not?”

From the results of this activity, Riswanto uttered that several housewives already create their businesses. However, the others still need to be guided. “the product quality, packaging and marketing, are the aspects that they were still be needed to improve, That’s why we’re here,” he said that with his smile covered his face. (sar UNUSA public relations and marketing)

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