Passing 19 PKM proposals with excellent qualified, UNUSA nominated as best 2nd private universities in East Java

Surabaya – Nineteen proposals for the five-sector Student Creativity Program (PKM) from Uiversitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) passed five-sector PKM in 2020 which was held by the national Directorate General of Education and Research (Dirjen Dikti). It has nominate UNUSA into 2nd place for the most acceptable proposals PKM 2020 for private universities (PTS) in East Java.

PKM proposals for five student fields consist of twelve PKMK proposals (enterpreneurship), three PKMKC proposals (human settlement), one PKMM proposal (community empowerment), one PKMPE proposal (academic research) and two PKMPSH proposals (humanities). Because of that, the 19 PKM proposals were selected to compete in PIMNAS (Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional).

Director of Academic and Student Affairs (AKMAWA) UNUSA, Umdatus Soleha, SST., M.Kes. explained that this event would encourage enthusiasm of other UNUSA students for creating another superior PKM proposals. Previously, six proposals for PKM-KT (Scientific Written Paper) and PKM-GFK (Constructive Futuristic Ideas) of UNUSA also have been accepted with impressive qualified.

“With our new achievements, I guess UNUSA can compete with other universities in Surabaya and Indonesia,” said Mrs Umdatus at Thursday (6/8).

Mrs Umdatus also proved that UNUSA has already start to prepare its students before submitted their PKM proposals. She also gave her opinion that UNUSA will support its student to enlarge their ideas in scientific and academic programs.

“We wish that our achievement will definitely increase better in the future. For better idea, better guidance by UNUSA lecturers and students quality, we will do our best,” Umdatus explained. (sar marketing and public relations division)

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