This Finnish Expert Says about the Policy of Merdeka Belajar Minister Nadiem

Surabaya – Policies for Merdeka Belajar from Minister Nadiem Makarim received a positive response from Finnish Education Specialist Allan Schneitz.

In an International seminar on Education at the Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa), Thursday (01/09/2020), Allan as a Finnish educational expert in the country with the best education system number 1 in the world, shared the concept of Finnish Dream School for education in Indonesia.

Allan said that the Dream School education concept in Finland is applied on a student-based basis. In Finland, the foundation of education is a learner. Teachers are no longer the only information center in the classroom but students become centers and teachers become companions.

In Finland, Allan said that the teacher become the facilitator and developer of the student’s character. Teachers also have an important role in determining educational policies other than government.

Related to that, Allan said that the improvement of the quality of education referenced by Minister Nadiem judged to have a common vision with the education system in Finland.

“There is a similarity between the policies launched by Merdeka Belajar Minister Nadiem and the principle of education in Finland, the role of teachers who are no longer the center but become students ‘ facilitators in character development,” said Allan.

He also said that, Minister Nadiem ​​policy is a breath of fresh air and hope for Indonesian Education. He sees that this was the only best policy in Indonesia’s history of education.

“Minister Nadiem gives a hope and the only one who gives the teacher the opportunity to become an important ornament in the educational world,” explained Allan.

In Finland, the role of the teacher is very important. Teachers are open to change and determine the quality of education. Not only that, but the holistic curriculum also includes other important ornaments.

That is the concept of education that gives a chance for the child to be able to develop his interests and talents.

Prioritizing good values to make up  positive behavior and attitudes. Finland believed that all children had their own advantages as long as they were given a chance.

“Children who learn math, language is as basic knowledge. But we are more of an education that instills values in children, “said Allan.

In particular, Allan said, to challenge the future, there is a 21st century skill that must be approved by children, that is, how to foster creativity, build cooperation and collaborate, critical thinking and building communication.

Allan also pointed out that the Minister of Nadiem is right to apply in Indonesia but it will not be able to run if the community does not follow to become a precursor.

“Of course every change is very difficult, but Indonesia will be able to be like Finland if all parties want to move as what Minister Nadiem said. This cannot be seen as a political policy, but also as a social policy that all levels of society must have a vision to support it, “stressed Allan.

Allan said that Indonesia’s best education policy at this time do not stop when Minister Nadiem is no longer in office. But this policy must continue to be used because basically this policy is based on humanizing humans and making everyone a learner.

“Yes, do not change ministers for policy changes, it will be up to any time if every minister changes for education system policies will not be good. For example, the vision of the principle of education in Finland has not changed since 1970. What is continually adjusted is its competence. Not the principle of making every human being as a learner, “said Allan. (rud / ding / PR Unusa)

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