Unusa FEB Lecturers Teach How to Choose the Right Side Business for Teachers

Side businesses are very popular for anyone at this time. No exception for someone who works as a teacher. There are many reasons why this side business must be done. One of them is to increase income till welfare can be increased.

Then how to choose a side business so as not to interfere with permanent work? two lecturers from Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa) provided training for teachers at SMP Al Islah Surabaya.

Two Unusa lecturers from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Riyan Sisiawan Putra and Ubaidillah Zuhdi conducted community dedication at SMP Al Islah Surabaya because in the school there are quite a lot of teachers, 30 people. Besides, there is an institutional closeness between Unusa and the school’s foundation.

Riyan Sisiawan as the head of this community dedication said that he deliberately chooses teaching profession as the target because there are many teachers who are still dependent on the salary they received every month. Whereas, everyone knows, especially teacher salaries are not sufficient to fulfill daily needs.

By this side business, Riyan said that it can increase teacher income till welfare can be increased. by improved welfare, the teacher will not do negative things to get additional income.

But, the fact is that not all teachers have the motivation to do business. So this needs to be raised. Because if teachers have a business, there will be many impacts, besides increasing income, they can teach their business talents to their students, “Riyan said.

The community dedication  was conducted from May to August 2019 consisted of three stages. First, location survey and problem formulation. Then, making of proposals and the third implementing of activities and reporting on the results of activities.

“From our survey, it turns out that many teachers only depend on their income from teaching. Even to be able to get extra, they teach from morning to evening, “said Riyan.

Therefore, said Riyan, he and his friend, Ubaidillah feel to need inviting teachers to have motivation to do business. Besides that, it can explore the potential and creative ideas to be expressed in real business.

“It needs guidance for motivation arises. Because to begin a business must be started from the motivation from within, “he said.

Because, this side business does not involve the permanent work. From some literacies, this side business is done in spare time outside of the permanent work. This is an activity that is liked and can provide satisfaction for individuals. Eventhough, This is an activity that is liked and can provide satisfaction for individuals. In addition, it can provide opportunities to demonstrate self-competence, engage in meaningful activities and interact socially.

There is another expert namely Thomas W. Zimmerer revealed that entrepreneurship is the process of applying creativity and innovation to solve problems and look for opportunities that are faced by everyone in everyday life.

Entrepreneur is those who dare to turn ideas into reality. Scarborough and Zimmerer define an entrepreneur (entrepreneur) is a person who creates a new business in the face of risk and uncertainty with the aim of gaining profit and growth by recognizing opportunities and combining the resources needed to take advantage of these opportunities.

There are many factors can influence entrepreneurial interest, namely internal factor and external factor. Internal factor is all thoughts of emotions and problems from within a person that influence a desire, internal factors include motivation, ability, feeling of pleasure. While the external factor is a factor that comes from outside someone’s self that can infuence their desire.

Because entrepreneurship provides opportunities and freedom to control their own fate, opportunities to make changes, opportunities to achieve their full potential and have many opportunities to achieve optimal profits, “explained Riyan.

Opening a side business by doing business is an alternative way that can be profitable for teachers to overcome the problems faced. The importance of entrepreneurship is an understanding of how economic income relates to individual welfare.

Therefore, Riyan and Ubaidillah try to provide an understanding of entrepreneurship, how to start / open a side business that suits their desire. The community dedication will be conducted focusing on how to choose the right business.

Because from the initial analysis, teachers in SMP Al Islah lack an understanding of the side business that teachers can do.

In addition, it needs motivation for entrepreneurship when the teachers have good ideas, can be managed and run well if it is run as a side business.

“Finally we socialize and educate them to understand how the side business. How can their ideas be realized in a real business form, “he said.

Riyan said, after the presentation, it is continued by discussions for teachers can ask more about the side business they can do. The discussion is conducted to further approve the participants about the material already submitted.

Through discussion, socialization not only provides the material but also we can share the experience of what is being done by the partners.

“And Alhamdulillah these teachers respond to the positive activities we do. And from this event began to appear to start business, ” Riyan said. (End/Rud/public relation)

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