Improving Community Welfare Based on Islamic Boarding Schools, IKSASS Situbondo Collaborates with OPOP

Surabaya – Islamic boarding schools in East Java Province have been independent in terms of accommodating the needs of students, but that has not yet developed the potential of students for the welfare of the community. Therefore, the Province of East Java launch a program to accommodate this place.

Looking at the importance of the welfare aspects of Islamic Boarding School community, Students of Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Alumni Association (IKSASS) Situbondo take the One Pesatren One Product  (OPOP) Training Center of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa) to increase the benefits of the boarding school community.

The Director of the OPOP Training Center at Unusa revealed that this collaboration included activities for the empowerment of students and alumni of the Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Islamic Boarding School which is included an entrepreneurial student program, training and mentoring for students and alumni products, as well as other activities.

“The number of students in the Salafiyah Syafi’iyah Situbondo Islamic Boarding School is more than 12,000. There must be escort in the sector of entrepreneurship, both in terms of students, Islamic Boarding School and alumni, so Islamic Boarding School will be prosperous,” he added when meeting at the OPOP Training Headquarters, Campus B of Unusa Jemursari Surabaya, Thursday (1/16).

The man who is publishing as Secretary of the OPOP Program in East Java Province explaine that OPOP is a program increases the welfare of the community on the basis of boarding school through empowering students, boarding school administrators, and alumni. “We are trying to utilize the potential of boarding school which have not been used to the maximum,” he explained.

The new program, which was inaugurated on August 7, 2019, has three pillars which are the main focus of the development of the Islamic Boarding School in East Java. The first pillar is interpreneur students who aim to foster student talent in making products that are in accordance with the sharia and provide benefits. “The point is we hope that students have an entrepreneurial spirit,” Ghofirin said.

The second pillar is Boarding School entrepreneurship, which is the Boarding School economic empowerment program through Boarding School cooperatives produce halal products and can be accepted by the community. One of the programs of this pillar is to provide training of institutional governance of cooperative boarding schools. “We will also provide training on cooperative business in the context of business development,” Ghofirin said.

And the last pillar is Social Entrepreneur which aims to develop the potential of Boarding School alumni and cooperate with the community. The potential developed is an inclusive digital-based social innovation.

Ghofirin hopes  by this cooperation, OPOP Program can collaborate with boarding schools and alumni,so they can develop the potential of Islamic boarding schools in East Java in terms of entrepreneurship and economy of the people in their regions. “Our target in 2023 can create 1,000 superior products from the Boarding School,” he concluded. (Unusa Public Relation)

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