Directing Jobs According to Skill, Unusa Hold a Job Fair Alumni and Students

SURABAYA – Hundreds of Participants enliven the 3rd floorFastron Cafe in Unusa Tower. They are alumni and students of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa) who participate in the fair work program for Unusa alumni and students.

This activity is the first Job Fair held by Unusa to facilitate and bring together students, alumni and the business or work world.

Unusa’s Academic and Student Director, Umdatus Soleha says for this inaugural event, nine companies in various fields will be opened. Taken health, management, educational institutions and so on.

“This is part of the Unusa Career Center (UCC) work program. And this is a form of our concern for students and alumni, “She said, Saturday (1/18) in the payment room on the 8th floor of Unusa Tower, Campus B, Jemursari, Surabaya.

Unusa does not want to take its hands off students or alumni. Unusa does not want their impression to just pass. But, “But we want them to be able to channeled to the best workplaces as well”. In this activity, alumni of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty of Unusa who are accepted to work in the Overseas Health Sector are also present, “said Umdatus.

For students, this job fair is also a knowledge in order to get insight into college graduation compilation work. For the alumni, this event is expected to be a medium to make it easy for them to find suitable jobs.

This collaboration with the Surabaya Manpower Office will continue to be held by Unusa, surely with a greater and more diverse number of participants.

“But, from our last data, the power of Unusa is already 85 percent. The rest does not work for various reasons, some are returning higher education, some are married and some are entrepreneurial, “She explained. (Public relation of Unusa)

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