OHS Study Program of UNUSA learns to Extinguish Fire at Pelindo’s Jetty 3

Surabaya – Lecturer of  D4 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) study program of Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa) takes its employees to the port owned by PT Pelindo 3 Surabaya, Wednesday (1/15/2020). The four lecturers want students to be able to directly understand the risk management determined by the state-owned company.

Muslikha Nourma, Friska Ayu, Merry Sunaryo and Moch. Sahri accompanied 36 employees in the fire protection planning practicum. This is one of the compulsory curriculum materials that must be taken by students. This course is more focused on management in the event of a fire in a factory or company.

“Students of OHS must limit the operation of fire equipment which is common in offices or factories. They really have worked and have no doubt in operating it. Moreover, this OHS student must be at the forefront in dealing with occupational health and safety issues, “said Friska Ayu, one of the lecturer teams.

Because Friska acknowledged, the basic curriculum applied in this D4 of OHS study program is skill of students in operating fire extinguishers and hydrants. For fire extinguishers, UNUSA has provided operational knowledge and practice to its students.

“At Pelindo 3, we learn about how to use a hydrant. Because we just made the fire hydrant at Unusa. We need to study outside campus, so students are more confident in accepting their learning. And we chose Pelindo 3 because besides we have facilitated inter-agency and Pelindo 3 is very complementary to the OHS concept, especially in handling fire, “explained Friska.

In this non-OHS field learning visit, Friska invites students to receive many things. Direct practice is of course done. One by one the students are told to hold a fire extinguisher and hydrant owned by Pelindo 3. “During the study, students are not only given knowledge but also they are given a very complete theory.

Because an OHS expert is not only able to operationalize supporting tools but also able in the field of expense management, sprightly in terms of compilation of problems occur and so on. “We are happy because students are happy with Pelindo 3,” said Friska.

Acknowledged by Friska , OHS experts would be needed by a company. Because so far there have not been many successful in this field from universities. In addition, there is already a regulation from the government that in a company there must be at least one expert in the field of OHS.

Consequently, many companies need OSH experts who have been approved, reliable and certified. “so far, ohs workers in companies only come from vocational or high schools that are drilled informally,” She said. (end / rud / public relations)

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