Facilitating Foreign Students, Unusa Hold the Spicy Program 2020

Surabaya – Globalization has been an economic, political, and social force that has encouraged higher education in the 21st century. Therefore, all institutes of higher education are required to increase competitiveness towards World Class University through an internationalization process. Several stages of internationalization which can be pursued by higher education include the internationalization of curriculum in learning, mobility of students, lecturers, staff organizers of cross-country education programs, foreign language studies, research cooperation and Other internationalization programs in accordance with the needs of University.

In order to achieve internationalization, Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (UNUSA) has a GENUS as a forum for the International Affairs Office that can support internationalization programs created by each faculty. This year, 3 students are from Sabah University of Malaysia join the Spicy Program.

Chief of committe of Spicy Program of Unusa, Maharani Pertiwi Pertiwi, S.Sc., M.Biotech., Ph.D. said that Faculty of Health of UNUSA has a program which can strengthen a cooperation and international networks through SPICY Program, SPICY is an acronym From Serve Society, Prepare for Challenge, Interpersonal Quality, Chance Cather and Youthful Energy.

” SPICY program is offered to foreign students and lecturers who are in an overseas institution that collaborates with UNUSA to increase learning opportunities and build a network for students and lecturers who are committed to pursue the experience of gaining health education in Indonesia,” she said, Tuesday (21/1) at Tower Unusa.

Maharani also added that foreign students and  lecturers would be paired with a special skilled mentor. This program is designed for students and lecturers who want to learn more about Indonesian culture in general and specifically related to health sciences at UNUSA such as Hospital Management based on Islamic management systems, medical laboratory techniques, public nutrition and Worker Health Safety.

besides for strengthening a cooperation between UNUSA and foreign institutions, the expectation of SPICY program is as an event to socialize the existence of UNUSA in the international arena, especially in ASEAN countries, “she added. (Public relations of Unusa )

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