2020, being the year of Opportunity and challenge for Unusa

For Nahdlatul Ulama University of Surabaya (Unusa), 2019 is a happy year. Many achievements are achieved and various things are reached beyond the set targets. In 2020, it became a year of challenge and opportunity, because in 2022, Unusa wants to be a national college, 2026 to international scale.

Steps to reach the set target, many things have to start on this 2020. Especially in this beautiful year, Unusa will take advantage of the opportunities. Since the rector of Unusa said, Prof Dr Ir Achmad Jazidie, M. Eng. in 2020, Unusa saw a lot of opportunities that can be done.

One of them is the opportunity from the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim who wants to advance education in the country with something different. It was said by Prof. Jazidie, there were many opportunities there. Unusa should not stay silent with that policy.

“Because of the Minister of Education and Culture’s policy, he wants to improve education in the country. It cannot be separated from the teacher’s role. Unusa which has a teacher-printing faculty, will contribute to improving the quality of the teacher with various programs, both in terms of office and pre-service, “said Prof. Jazidie.

From there, Unusa will prepare a postgraduate program for primary school teacher education (PSTE) study programs to improve teacher professionalism. As well as preparing to provide training for improving the quality of teachers in Indonesia.

In the health sector, 2020 also provides many opportunities. Where the government is now aggressively sending health workers abroad to increase the country’s foreign exchange. Moreover, the opportunities to work abroad are also very much.

Therefore, study programs related to health not only improve the quality of learning and practice, but also are equipped with qualified foreign language skills. Prof. Jazidie said that Unusa has prepared education especially for nursing so that graduates are ready to compete with overseas graduates.

“We prepare two foreign language classes this year. Especially in English and Japanese. Because the employment opportunities to Japan and the Middle East are very large. In this case, we are collaborating with BNP2TKI (National Agency for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers), “he said.

On the other hand, Unusa also sees many other opportunities. Namely the opportunity to create a training center for workers who want to work abroad. Through a business entity, PT LPKS (Private Job Training Institute). In 2020 Unusa will provide a special training center for people who want to work in other countries.

This Private Job Training Institute applies to the general public. “And it has nothing to do with BNP2TKI. This is formed by Unusa itself. We can train nurses who want to work abroad, also nurses in nursing homes, elderly people and so on, “Prof. Jazidie said.

An another opportunity in the health sector, especially in the era of the National Health Insurance (NHI), Unusa sees an opportunity to establish a pratama clinic. Because at this time the first referral of patients BPJS health many have been overloaded or overwhelmed in serving the community who will seek treatment.

From there, Unusa Medical Center (UMC) will be established in East Surabaya. It will be the Pratama pilot clinic in East Java. Because Unusa targets to be able to open three UMCs in 2020. UMC will be the satellite for the Islamic Hospital (RSI) owned by the Islamic Hospital Foundation of Surabaya.

So, there will be in every city in East Java later. it can be an opportunity for people who want to be our partners, it can be individuals, groups, organizations and foundations, “he explained.

Another opportunity that Unusa has seen is the existence of a superior program in the Government of East Java Province, namely One Pesantren One Product (OPOP). Unusa, which has been appointed as the OPOP Training Center, will continue to develop itself, because pesantren have a close relationship with Unusa.

Not only opportunities, there are challenges that Unusa must pass so that all targets are achieved. The challenge towards a nationally and internationally recognized campus begins in 2020. Increasing human resources, quality and infrastructure will begin to be improved this year.

Human Resources (HR) are the main key. It was said by Prof. Jazidie, the progress of a university was very dependent on its human resources. Therefore, increasing human resources becomes Unusa’s priority, especially the quality of lecturers. because to produce high quality university graduates depends on the quality of the lecturers.

Therefore, various programs are done. Especially to provide opportunities for Unusa lecturers to be able to take doctoral degrees both at local and overseas universities. In this case, Unusa is not waiting for a scholarship from the government or others to be able to send lecturers to take the doctoral education.

“We prepare a special fund for it. Thus, we have lecture while waiting for a scholarship. If she/he gets a scholarship in the middle oh the road, it will be stoped by unusa. If she/he does not get a scholarship, we will finance to completion.” He said.

There are 52 lecturers take doctoral education now. Moreover, most of them will graduate in this year. So, more and more lecturers get doctorate in the university that was named YARSIS in the past.

“Not only that, but also we send lecturers to teach in the overseas universities. Invite a foreign lecture to teach at Unusa. All of that in order to be able to learn each other and understand how to make a concept to teach at overseas universities, “he said.

By improving of the quality of lecturers, one of them is a high level of education, then the target to realize higher education as a center of science and technology can be realized. Because higher education is the key in research and research can appear because of Human Resources (HR), “he said.

Not only that, with qualified lecturers, the number of journals will increase. So, Unusa lecturers are able to get in  International scopus-indexed journals in 2020. “In 2019, there were already six journals that entered SINTA. This is something extraordinary, “he said.

The second challenge is quality. Unusa is also commited to developing itself within the quality assurance framework. All aspects that refer to the seven standards (now 9 criteria) of higher education quality are always carried out to manage a university.

Moreover, Prof. Jazidie said that Unusa has an Institution that is named the Internal Quality Assurance Unit. it must be strengthened in order to all leaders from universities, faculties till study programs can refer to existing standards.

“So that each leader is responsible to increase the each quality ,” he said.

On the other hand, the third challenge is the development of infrastructure. At present, Unusa has made many physical changes to the university.

Many new facilities are provided at two campuses namely Campus A on Jalan Smea Surabaya and campus B at RSI Jemursari Surabaya. Unusa also has a nine-storey building and all of them function as learning centers.

Unusa wants all of them can develop together between the development of human resources, quality and infrastructure. So Unusa can develop until the target set can be achieved. (end /rud public relations )

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