Three Former Ministers Tether New College Student Of UNUSA

Amazingly, three former ministers who are the Nahdliyin citizens helped to tether the thousand more new students of Nadlatul Ulama Surabaya university (UNUSA) in the introduction to new students college life activities when academic year 2016/2017 on Monday (29/8).  The event was staged on campus B Jemursari Surabaya.

Three former ministers who are Helmy Faishal Zaini as ministry of disadvantaged regions development, Saifullah Yusuf as ministry of nations acceleration development disadvantage regions, and Mohammad Nuh as Minister of Education Culture. They provide debriefing as a form of motivation. In a speech by Mohammad Nuh who was the chairman of Surabaya Islamic Hospital foundation and governing body of UNUSA said that Indonesia was preparing its next generation, we would face a century Indonesia in 2045, “I see the faces of our children from the middle to bottom and marginalized groups, if we do not accommodate these big trains and invent carriages for them, then who will,” said Nuh

The most effective carriage is education. With UNUSA, Nuh hoped to create a carriage in one of the big train capable of delivering the golden generation by the first century in Indonesia. “In advance, through the government there was a bidikmisi and  now through the Unusa,” said the minister of education and cultural in the era of president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s continuing.

Nuh who was also president of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital Foundation emphasized the importance of aswaja’s observation of Rohmatan lil Alamin. “innovative-creative learning, entrepreneur, and Aswaja’s insight of Rohmatan lil Alamin must be emphasized,” he said

While Helmy Faishal Zaini describes the growing educational institution of Nahdlatul Ulama. The committee of PBNU says to the front, NU continues to commit creating human resources in his field. Similarly with Helmy, Saifullah Yusuf emphasized both skill and competition. “In the midst of tough competition, human resources are encouraged” Saifullah Yusuf said. “Intellect and skill is important. Work at specific fields in areas of expertise and professional interest. So spiritual, intellectual, and skill is important,” he said (Humas Unusa)

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