The Thousand More New Students From The University Of Nahdatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) Followed Freshmen College Introduction Activity

The thousand more new students from the university of Nahdatul Ulama Surabaya (UNUSA) followed freshmen college introduction activity in academic year 2016/2017 which held at B college, Jemursari Surabaya on Monday (29/8).

This year, there are the thousand more new students received into UNUSA while participating the freshmen college introduction activity by 800 students. This is because some new students were students of magister program, such as master nursing, Bunda PPT or Nurse.

The event is meant to introduce to all of the participants about the college activities which they will face when they study. Besides delivering some direction from lecturer and resource person, it also hopes that new students will be passionate in living a selected study, so they can finish them on time.

The rector of UNUSA, Prof. Dr. Ir Achmad Jazidie M.Eng, said that UNUSA was designed to be a college of scientific development. “ UNUSA has no ambition in expanding this college to bachelor’s degree, but rather to focus on the health and education that will be developed into post educational programs, including human resources development” he said.

The reason of it is that UNUSA has two Islamic hospitals which are known by many people and one of the most important infrastructure for the development of UNUSA, besides the new lab to be developed. “with their own hospital, it makes easier for student to practice,” he said (Humas Unusa)

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